The game is set in the future, when humanity, united in a Federation, begins to colonize subsequent planetary systems in search of natural resources and living space. Soon, the Federation's authorities, unprepared for the expansion, limit their actions to distributing the terraforming concessions among rivaling Exploring Corporations. Consecutive planets of the borderspace fall into the relentless rule of the mighty syndicates. The new worlds, devoid of the Federation's supervision, become a dreamland for criminal activity on a yet unseen scale.
The humanity inevitably drifts towards anarchy. The situation is made even worse by the increasing number of cases of successful attacks on high representatives of the Federation's authorities, by terrorists organization members aided with a yet unknown stimulus. The synthetic enzymes based substance increases stamina, releases aggression and improves motorics. The results of the investigation indicate that the substance might have come from the laboratories of one of the terraforming corporations.